Epic bike trip = sore legs!
Maya and I left New York at approximately 12.10PM on Tuesday...not an early start. The weather wasn't any better: Wind and Rain all along the Hudson/West side highway. But we made it into New Jersey and up the 9W without any problems.
The weather finally cleared and we had some really beautiful biking along the river. We had lunch in a park and visited a bike shop in Nyack. The two old men who helped us out gave us some great tips on (illegal) camping in the area.
We managed to get to our camp spot off the old 9W route by 7 PM. WOO! We got our MSR whisperlite under control and ate in the dark.
The next day we took it pretty easy - only 30 or so miles compared to the 50 we did the day before. Wow, New York- Nice Hills! Gently sloping, kind of, and forever up and down. Who knew?
Our 2nd night we stayed on Iona Island: Bald Eagle Bird Sanctuary! Beautiful site, though still close to the train tracks. This morning, Thursday May 1, we left by 8AM after fixing my first flat on my Surly! Solid ride back to NYC. We stopped at the Shake Shack to eateateat. Now we are home and super BEAT. I've got a nice sunburn on my cheeks and lovely sore legs/butt.
Tired and Proud,
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