So there's this road, in case you didn't know, that runs from New York City all the way to Seattle, Washington. There are no hills, it's shade covered, but sunny everyday, and there are no cars on it, ever! If only it were true. There is a road like this, but it only runs from Washington, D.C. to Pittsburgh. We got on it between Rockwood, PA and West Newton and it was the most amazing bike trail in the world (granted, I'll keep looking for a better one, just to make sure).

We camped along the way near Connelsville, at this funny trailor park along the Youghiogheny ( pronounced yah-kuh-GAIN-ee - ha, the english language).
- This is sunrise the next morning =)

Our second day on the path, Lara got another flat that we fixed in the morning and then it became flat AGAIN on the road!! There was a hole in the tire itself, so putting new tubes in was a waste and we resorted to emergency measures and made a boot out of hay type grass to protect the rim. I called it Franken-wheel. And Lara rode on it the 10 miles to the next bike shop in West Newton. Props =)
This is going to be a bit out of order, because before we got to bike heaven we were also in Orrtanna at an Elephant museum!! and in Ohiopyle (ohio-pyle) visiting the falls and at Falling Water, the Frank Lloyd Wright house, and camping in some generous persons lovely backyard outside of Somerset and fixing bikes and the stove, and playing with thousands of kittens, marveling at a mole! and drinking a celebratory beer for our 500 mile marker!! and, and, and - a picture is worth a thousand words...
Kitten and Mole



Old Bridge over our bathing creek

Misty morning and a big hill defeated

E'd Elephant Museum!!

Falls at Ohiopyle and Falling Water

And today, right now, we are here, in Washington,PA doing a little down time =) feels sooo good.

Much love to you all,
and Lara, of course
P.S. Happy Birthday Natalie!
YAY! for a post... i've been waiting and compulsively checking and alas a new one!
LARA YOU ARE HAVING THE WORST LUCK WITH YOUR TIRES!!! but way to go with fixing it - i'm thoroughly impressed - even moreso than I already was.
So Somerset!! A place so near and dear to my own heart. That's where I counsel for a camp over the summer for a week or two and where we spend random weekends and Easters with our friend Andy who's from there :)
but kittens, moles, and elephant museums are all new to me!Anywhooozle, Ohiopyle is gorgeous, did you see/try the natural waterslides?
Welp, I hear the WV is "open for business"... keep me posted - tee hee. Say helloooo to the open road for me :)
i've been checking you site daily by the way! haha. i miss you and lara you are amazing for riding with franken-wheel for ten miles. props.
the mole looks so awesome and actually kind of cute in a blob-ey way. the kitten is of course also adorable and the elephant museum warms my heart because i see all things in the window and think "pshhh, lara could start that", but i didn't see the whole thing :)
my adventures here in Berlin are boring compared to yours, however the latest does involve a bike...
You are so inspiring! I'm reading the blog all the time and love the pictures! Miss and love you lotssss!
"whatever it is, we'll ride it..." continued at the elephant museum! i love that pic.
so glad you guys posted - was beginning to worry! i'm so jealous of your adventures...
miss you lots...
I am amazing and in awe of the two of you. Keep it up and keep the stories coming.... they make me very jealous as I sit in my office and read about your adventures.
I love the Elephant museum! And I can't believe that Lara rode ten miles on a bunch of hay???
You should receive a medal!!!
THANKS FOR THE BDAY SHOUT OUT! We missed you at my dinner. But you're having WAY more fun out there! Sounds amazing - I can't believe there was an Elephant Museum! You should have entered Lara's Puffalump as an exhibit.
Will look forward to updates - be safe and have fun!
PS - love the Frankin-wheel - made me laugh out loud :)
Hey, what is this amazing bike road you mention from Washington, D.C. to Pittsburgh? That you got on in Rockwood, PA? I live in NYC and contemplating a bike trip to Gates Mills, OH. (do you think its safe to travel alone was a woman and camp along the way?) You guys are inspiring!
would love to hear from you,
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