Papa joined us on Saturday (the 28th). Here he is, in all his glory, after initiation into our gang. (Is he cool? or is he cool?)
In the window of time before his glorious arrival and our stop in Rock Falls, we didn't get far. By that I mean we didn't get anywhere at all. Curtis and Veronica Disher were our awesome and generous hosts there and Nathan (Curt's brother - Hi Nate! we miss you already) was our obliging tour guide and chauffeur. Due to my broken spoke we spent the day on Saturday trying to fix my bike instead of biking to Moline, IL. And ya know what, we're so glad we did =) In Rock Falls we went to the farmers market and met many more of the Disher's and bought an amazing coffee cake and got to hang out and drink free chai tea. We went to the local bike shop, were allowed free reign over the work station and then (when we were unsuccessful at servicing my freewheel) Nathan drove us to Dixon and we went to their bike shop and were again allowed use of their tools and stands, etc! These people are seriously awesome.
We also saw some live Jazz and toured the murals of Sterling (across the Rock Island River from Rock Falls).
After a full Rock Falls appreciation day, papa arrived and whisked us off to Moline where we continued our journey.
In Moline we visited the John Deere Pavilion (BIG)

and then we crossed the Centennial Bridge and headed out to Muscatine.
Unfortunately, due to flooding the camp site we were going to stay at was closed so we had to bike 10 miles, backtracking, to the Wildcat Den campsite.

Monday we had a serious bike posse (4 people) and rode 30 miles before 10 am! (sorry for shaking the tent at 4:30 am, Lara - I promise to double check the alarm next time). We made it all the way to Lowden by 1pm and then we had a sprawl session on the porch of the Lincoln Hotel (a

As much as we loved the downtime in little Lowden, we cut out really early the next morning and made great time again (Nate, hope you got back to your car ok!) We are now in Dyersville, Iowa. Can't wait for dinner. Tomorrow it's back to camping - good, I'm starting to miss the dirt and it's only been two days inside!

Oh yes, and the event of the day was that we ran into this guy on his recumbent who was also touring, only to discover that it was crazyguyonabike!! How cool! I mean, what are the chances =) We love you man, big shout out.
Much love to you all!

P.S. Hey Martin! Here is your bike in Iowa!
Found your blog via Crazy guy on a bike! I met him when he biked thru my area. I wish you were coming my way, n'west IA. 40 miles east of Sioux City IA. You could crash here and i'd cook you all a good meal!!
I'm glad i found another blog to read!! Looks like you are enjoying yourselves and i look forward to reading more!!
Good luck and stay safe!
i too have been to the John Deere Pavilion! that place is nuts! the big machine with the thing that hugs/violenty rips from the earth thousand year-old trees really freaked me out. keep on truckin' ladies. or biking. whatever. tell your paw i say what up!
Hi Rae, so excited to hear that you found our blog. We just bumped into CrazyGUyOnaBIke a couple of days ago. It was like meeting a celebrity!!! Because I've read quite of bit of his blog, very useful and amusing.
it truly is a shame that we aren't coming through your town. a good home cooked meal sounds awesome and it's always great to meet enthusiastic, hospitable people.
Yaayy Papa!
ok, hab all mein englisch vergessen.........und bin sprachlos und schwer beeindruckt über euren trip: hab heute Ike in Karlsruhe getroffen, sie hat mir davon erzählt......,
ich wünschte ich wäre dabei ;-).........es sieht nach einem wunderbaren abenteuer aus!
euch weiter viel spaß, no accidents,
liebe grüße aus deutschland von der mausi
Haha! Hey Mausi! Wir muessen uns mal wieder sehen! Gruesse, Maya
machen wir doch glatt weiter!
liebe grüße auch von uns!
ist echt irre was ihr da macht! hut ab! uuuuuultra subbba :-)
kann der Roland nach dem, was ihr jetzt trainiert habt überhaupt mithalten? ;-)
wir waren schon wakeboarden dieses jahr! aber nicht zu vergleichen mit basslake...
macht weiter so und passt auf euch auf!macht spaß euren trip zu verfolgen.
liebe Grüße Julie & Basti
i am so addicted to the blog yo. i need my fix. i keep checking to see if there is a new adventure. they inspire me to have more of my own.
write something new soon :P
miss you.
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